Take 4 unces of sulphur, & so much of calcyned alume, bruise them
together, put it into an earthen sublimatorie, place it into a coale
fier, well lited, let the sulphur ascend through the Alume, and in 8
houres is it prepared.
Thearof take at the lesse 2 1/2 unces, and one unce of good christallick
venetian porras, bruse them two small togeather, put it into a flat
glasse that it may lye flatly, poure uppon it a stronge sharpe 4 times
distilled spirit of wine uppon it, & extracte it in ashes sofftly to
the oyle, poure it uppon again, extracte it to the oyle, poure it uppon
again & drawe it of agayne; take a litle of the sulphure, laye it
uppon a red hott copper plate, and when it floweth like wax without
smoking then is it prepared, if not then must thou extract theareof more
of the spirit of wine, till it sustineth the proove & it is
Nowe take alumephume, make therof a top not as long as a little finger,
and halfe as thicke, foulde it about with whyte silke, put it thus
whole into a venetian little glasse, & joyne thearunto of the
prepared sulphure, place it a day & night in hott sande, that the
top be continually in the sulphur. Nowe take the top thearout, and put
it into such a glasse, that the top looke out a little, adde thearunto
of the prepared incombustible chyburals, place the glasse into hott sand
till the sulphure melteth, and cleaveth beneath and upward about the
top, that it be seene but a little above, kindle the top with a common
light, & it beginneth to burne presently, and the sulphure remaineth
flowing, take the light and place it wheare you wilt, and it burneth
continually for ever.