Petri Murien - The Metallic Oils

[] Many techniques, some better than others, enable us to obtain the oils of metals, but one is better than all others. This way is universal for it’s is the way of nature.

First the metal should be taken in its ore such as it comes from the earth, from the mine: but it should be clean and pure. Any metal molten in the violent fire of the forge is a dead metal, or tightened to such an extent that it presents no interest, because its spirit, the delicate vital principle which partakes of its evolution, has partly escaped during the fusion, and has been partly closed in again in its inside.

Once this mineral is cleansed of its earthy or stony gangue, it should be reduced to powder and dissolved into its natural solvent which is the salt of the earth and the spirit of the world, the humid radical of metals from which it issued, the semen of mercury or first mercury, but not the common mercury. When the ore is completely dissolved, in other words, when the dry and hard marcasite becomes a liquid, coloured and clear water, then, by the fecund and fermentative virtues contained in the spirit, this water will ferment and putrefy. The fermentation or the pregnant state is only obtained in natural conditions that are favourable in this respect. During fermentation the matter precipitates into a black mud which swells and thickens under the influence of the mineral leaven; a gaseous release is observed in the form of thousands of little bubbles which rise to the surface. When the putrefaction is complete, the black and stinking earth hardens and fills almost all the space in the flask.

This black earth must then be worked so that it can mature and vegetate, while passing through various colours. In order not to divulge any secret, we shall be content to say that this earth must be prepared in the same way a peasant would prepare it, according to the needs of nature.

Finally we obtain a vitrified metallic resin, hard and breakable but soluble in water. The resins thus obtained are black as tar when they come from iron, antimony, or lead; dark blue when they come from copper; from gold they are saffron-orange, from silver, whiteyellow, from mercury, red-orange, and from tin, yellow-orange. Yet their colours may vary according to the degree of exaltation. Gold for instance can yield an emerald green earth if it is taken out before its time.

Those resins are then placed into a retort and distilled. During the distillation, a diaphanous mercurial spirit, volatile and very penetrating, comes out first, then at the second degree of the fire the sulphurous oil rises, condenses and floats on the spirit. In the retort; a coal remains out of which the fixed salt is extracted, using water. We have thus separated a metal in its three principles, mercury, sulphur, and salt.

If we wish to continue the experiment for the simple joy of knowledge, we can place in a large, well sealed, glass flask the mercurial spirit with its oil, its sulphurous soul, which can no longer blend for the oil always floats on top of the spirit. If this flask is placed in a sand bath at a digestive heat for several weeks an astounding phenomenon is elaborated: large drops of liquid metal, similar to vulgar mercury, precipitate heavily at the bottom, of the flask. This experiment brings us to understand that we have reconstituted the metallic principle after we have separated it. But as the salt, which is the fixing coagulating part, has not been added, we obtain a liquid metal which lacks its solid body.

The metallic oils thus obtained are genuine elixirs. They contain no toxicity for, in metals, that which is toxic is always in their salt. Separated from its salt, a metallic oil does not present any danger for the user, contrary to metallic salts such as gold salts often injected into sick people at hospitals and which often cause severe poisoning.

We should also add that some of the metallic resins we have talked about can be found in nature ready and completely elaborated. But for this to occur, specific exceptional climatic conditions are required, that is, tropical heat during the day and a very humid cold during the night. These extreme climatic conditions enable the rocks to cook, burst, rot, perspire and ooze; the remaining task is to collect the resinous droplets blended with the sand. earth or plants. Certain very rare places, far away in the Himalayas abound in these resins. We could ourselves verify these locations and gather a favourable harvest.

Another method, less universal in its approach, can be used. For example, we can directly work with vulgar, that is, refined metals. They must be calcined to be reduced to ashes without being vitrified. Metallic mercury can be used in this aim, for during digestion it will open the metal and retrograde it. We obtain what is called a metallic chalk (Calx). If the work has been well conducted, these ashes cannot return to their original metallic state.

In India, numerous, widely used techniques allow to calcine all the metals in the cold state by merely using vegetable extracts. These metallic ashes, which are sold in drugstores, can then be directly dissolved in the salt of the earth and in the spirit of the world. After their dissolution, the same phenomenon of fermentation and putrefaction occurs, which enables the soul of the metal thus opened to rise in the solvent. Then the work must be pursued according to the desired results.

Of course, there would be many other ways and techniques for the obtention of metallic oils about which to comment as for example the way of the acetates, which advocates the use of good rectified vinegar as solvent. Moreover this process was very much in practice during the Renaissance. It also enables for excellent results, even though it is more chemical and more complex in its approach.

[] The metallic alchemical oils are very potent tinctures. They are to be absorbed at very small doses and diluted preferably in alcohol. Here is an approximate idea of the proportions of dilution we have successfully experimented with: 1 drop of pure oil for 40 drops of alcohol, that is approximately 2 ml. Shake well to obtain a homogeneous colour, and from this dilution absorb 2 to 3 drops in half a glass of pure water or water containing a little alcohol. It is preferable to take the oils on an empty stomach in the morning for the effect is so energizing that it might be difficult to get to sleep in the evening if they are ingested in the afternoon. Numerous very satisfying tests have proven us the excellency of these oils, they turn out to be very efficient to fight against man's numerous illnesses.