
How come we live in a society that appears to be run by men, but feels like it's run by women ? The answer is pretty simple. The men who run the modern society - the politicians, businessmen, educators and priests - are men who think like women. They are men who espouse and advance female values. Why do they do this ? Because women have more purchasing power, more voting power and more cultural power than men. Women control the marketplace, the polling place and the content of our schools, churches and media. The "secret of success" of the modern "successful" man is that he sold his soul to women and female values. Our society is run by men who think and act like women. That's why we have so many problems. The Patriarchy is, in fact, a Matriarchy. Female values rule.
"Equality" is meaningless. Is a bee equal to a sparrow? Is a whale equal to a squirrel? The term is meaningless. And anyway, feminism was never honestly about Equality. Feminism was about MORE STUFF FOR WOMEN. Women don't want to mine coal or get drafted into war. That's too much Equality for them. Just let them have some office job so they can stay comfortable and buy more stuff. Forget that they live 8 years longer than us. Ignore the fact that 19 out of 20 people who die on the job are men. Or 4 out of 5 suicides are men. Or 80% of the homeless are men. That's the other side of Equality, and they don't want to hear about it. "Programs for men? Men have everything ­ don't they?...Me?" she titters. "Sign up for the draft? Drill oil? You must be kidding. I'm not equipped for that. That's not the kind of Equality I mean."
Men are not the oppressors of women. The simple proof of that is that Women are not oppressed. Women are not now, and never have been "oppressed". Women have the right to vote with NO concomitant obligation to be drafted in time of war to protect their right to vote. Personally, I don't see how they got the one without being forced to assume the other. They have power without responsibility. [...]They can vote but they need not fight nor pour concrete. That's a perversion of the word Equality.
Pursuit of happiness is primarily a female goal. Pursuit of the mysteries of life is primarily a male goal.
Between the 8th and 12th weeks a fetus with male chromosomes begins to produce testosterone and other androgens which "differentiate" its masculine genitals, and later, its brain. A fetus with female chromosomes, because it is exposed to much less androgen, continues to develop along female lines. A person's prenatal hormonal experience appears to be an especially strong influence on later behavior. From those controversial corridors of animal research comes conclusive evidence that a male rat will act like one only if it has gotten the right amount of androgen, starting at the right time, and for the right duration, in the course of its development. If he hasn't received the proper amounts of hormones at the proper times he will act like a female, even if he looks like a normal male. Conversely, Robert Goy says the evidence is "indisputable" that excessive prenatal exposure to male androgen can produce male genderrole behavior in females. And, Roger Gorski's UCLA team found that when testosterone is withheld by castrating rat pups their brains look like those of females. What does it all mean? It means that, all things being equal, we would all come out female. It means that a male baby's Y chromosome induces the mother's undescended testicles to manufacture testosterone and other male androgens that shape a male fetus' gonads and brain and launch him on a life course which is incomparable and literally inconceivable to the female of the species; and this process begins in the first weeks of existence as a zygote. But most importantly, it means that males are not born, they are made.

They are made by hormones which enlarge and reform the normal model brain creating a greater right-brain capacity, and vastly different perceptual skills. And they are made by the sport and war and government and literature and legends of the older men whose duty it is to initiate the younger men into the formation of those values which beget and sustain human life. Men do not just happen. Women reach puberty, their breasts enlarge, they bleed between their legs, and life tells them that they are mature females. They can hardly fail to get the point. The female initiation in many tribes is simply for the pubescent girl to sit still and meditate silently on her condition. With men, the transitions, though noticeable, are hardly that distinct. Men must be activated, by hormones and by the society of men. Men must be made, and if they're not what you get are men who act like women.
A brain hormone (GnRH) released by the hypothalamus affects ovulation, menstruation, and the onset of menopause. Also, according to Sergio Ojeda of the Oregon Primate Research Center, "It is clear now that the onset of puberty is a brain-driven event." It is initiated by the hypothalamus in the absence of gonads. Similarly, we used to think that the depletion of eggs in the ovaries caused the onset of menopause but that doesn't seem to be the case. Ovaries from old rats have been put in young rats and they became fertile again, whereas young ovaries put in old rats didn't switch on again. According to Phyllis Wise of the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore "...hypothalamic function changes in mid-age and this may play an important role in the loss of fecundity and cyclicity (in women)."
The world runs like it does for the benefit of women and children. Men cleave to their agendas. No man wakes up and asks, "What do I want to do today?" He says, "What do I have to do today?" He is an emotional junkie starting each day by servicing the agenda of the praise-givers and sex-bestowers. He has no center in his own life that has not been infiltrated by his sex partner. He is a servant, a trained performer, pursuing the gratification that his mother and his wife have hooked him on. Why do you suspect mothers-in-law and wives don't get along? They're both competing for the same praise/manipulation territory in their son's/husband's brain.
One day a Man's Intuition said:
"Let's tie a note to this pigeon's leg and send a message home."

His Wife's Intuition said:
"It'll get lost."

One day a Man's Intuition said:
"I'm going to stretch this string on that bowed branch and use it to shoot a small spear."

His Wife's Intuition said:
"You'll hurt one of the kids."

One day a Man's Intuition said:
"I'm going to carve some paddles so I can row my raft offshore."

His Wife's Intuition said:
"You'll just drown."

If civilization relied on Women's Intuition we would still be living in caves munching cold seeds and listening to them complain about that!

Walt Disney, the artist who "defined" the visual age we live in, was cursed with an "intuitive" wife. When he wanted to invest all of his money into making the first color cartoon she threatened to leave him. When he wanted to make the first feature length cartoon she blustered about divorce. When he wanted to throw everything he had behind a theme park to be called "Disneyland" she enlisted the help of Walt's brother to try and stop him.
Continues Bly: Carl Jung believed that when the son is introduced to feeling primarily by the mother he will learn the female attitude toward masculinity and take a female view of his own father and of his own masculinity. He will see his father through his mother's eyes. Since the father and the mother are in competition for the affection of the son, he's not going to get a straight picture of his father out of his mother, nor will he get a straight picture of his mother out of his father. Some mothers send messages that civilization and culture and feeling and relationships are things which the mother and the daughter, or the mother and the sensitive son, share in common; whereas the father stands for and embodies what is stiff, brutal, unfeeling, obsessed, rationalistic, money-mad, uncompassionate. "Your father can't help it," she laments.

Source: Rich Zubaty - What men know that women don't