I took one part of the Fiery Dragon, and of the Magnetical Body two parts, I prepared them together by a strong Fire, and in the first fusion there was made about eight ounces of the true Arsnick.
Philalethes - Experiments For the Preparation of the Sophick Mercury, by Luna and the Antimonial-Stellate-Regulus of Mars
1. The Secret of the Philosophick Arsnick
I took one part of the Fiery Dragon, and of the Magnetical Body two parts, I prepared them together by a strong Fire, and in the first fusion there was made about eight ounces of the true Arsnick.
2. The Secret of Preparing the Mercury with His Arsnick, for
Separating its Faeces
I did take one part of the best Arsnick, and I made a
with two parts of the Virgin Diana into one Body; I ground it
fine, and with this I have prepared my Mercury, working them
together in heat, until that they were most exquisitely incorporated:
I purged it with the Salt of Urine, that the Faeces did separate, which
I put away.
3. The Purification of the Sophick Mercury.
The Mercury thus prepared, is yet infected with an
external uncleanness,
wherefore distill it three or four times in its proper Alembick,
with its Steel Cucurbit, then wash it with the Salt of Urine,
that it be clear and bright, and in its motion leaves no tayl behind
4. Another most excellent Purgation.
Take of decrepit Salt, and of the Scoria of Mars,
of each
ten ounces, of prepared Mercury one ounce and an half, grind
Salt and the Scoriae very fine together, in a Marble Mortar;
put in the mercury, and grind it with Vinegar, so long until no more of
the Mercury appears: put it into a Glass Body, and distill it
Sand in a Glass Alembick, until all the Mercury be ascended,
clear, and splendidly bright; reiterate this three times, and you will
have the Mercury excellently well prepared for the Magistery.
5. The Secret of the just Preparation of the Sophic Mercury
Every single preparation of the Mercury with its Arsnick
is one Eagle, the Feathers of the Eagle being purged from their
blackness, make it to fly the seventh flight, and it is prepared even
the tenth flight.
6. The Secret of the Sophic Mercury
I have taken the proper quantity of the Mercury, and I
it with its true Arsnick, to wit, about four ounces of Mercury,
and I made a thin commixed consistence; I purged it after a due manner,
and I distilled it, and I had a pure Body of Lune, whence I
that I had rightly prepared it: afterwards I added to its weight of Arsnick,
and I increased its former weight of Mercury, in so much that
mercury might prevail to a thin flux, and so I purged it, to the
of the blackness almost to a Lunary whiteness: then I took half an
of the Arsnick of which I made a due Marriage, and there was
a temperature like Potters Loam, but a little thinner; I purged it
after a due manner, the Purgation was laborious: I made it with the
of Urine, which I have found to be the best in this Work.
7. Another Purgation, but yet better.
I have found out a better way of putting it, with Vinegar and pure
so that in the space of half a day I can prepare one Eagle: I made the
first Eagle to fly, and Diana is left, with a little Tincture
Brass; I began the second Eagle by removing the superfluities, and then
I made it fly, and again the Doves of Diana are left, with the
of Brass; I conjoined the third Eagle, and I purged the superfluities,
by removing them, even to a whiteness, then I made it fly, and there
left a great part of Brass, with the Doves of Diana; then I
it fly away by it self, to the whole extraction of all the body; then I
joined the fourth Eagle, by adding more and more of it own humour by
and there was made a very temperate consistence, in which there was no Hydrops,
(or superfluous moisture) as there was in the three former Eagles.
8. I have found the best way of preparing the Sophick
viz. such as follows.
The Amalgamated Mass, espoused or joined very intimately by a due
I put into a Crucible, and into a Furnace of Sand for half an hour, but
so that it might not sublime; then I take it out, and strongly grind
then I put it again in a Crucible, and in the Furnace, and after a
of an hour or thereabouts. I grind it again, and I make the Mortar hot,
by this means the Amalgama begins to be clean, and to cast forth a
deal of Powder: then I put it in the Crucible again, and to the Fire as
before, for a convenient time, so that it be not sublimed, otherwise
greater the Fire is, the better it is; so continually grinding it, till
almost all the Powder doth wholly disappear, then I wash it, and the
are easily cast out, and the Amalgama becomes intire without
Heterogeneity; then I wash it with Salt, and again do heat and grind
this I repeat to the full cleansing it from all manner of Faeces.
9. A Threefold Tryal of the Goodness of the Prepared Mercury
Take thy Mercury prepared with its Arsnick of
seven, eight,
nine or ten eagles, put it into a Phial, and thou shalt lute it with
the Lutum
Sapientiae: place it in a Furnace of Sand, and let it stand in an
of Sublimation, so that it may ascend and descend in the Glass, until
be coagulated a little thicker than Butter: continue it unto a perfect
Coagulation, until it be as white as Silver.
10. Another tryal.
If by shaking it in a Glass with the Salt of Urine, it be turned
an impalpable Powder of its own accord, so that it doth not appear as Mercury,
and of its own accord in an hot and dry place it coagulates again into
a thin Mercury, it is enough; but yet better if being agitated
Fountain-water, it runs into small heads or particles, for if the grain
be in the Body, it will not be thus converted and separated into small
minute parts.
11. The third tryal.
Distill it in a Glass Alembick, from a Glass Cucurbit; if it
over and leaves nothing behind it, it is a good Mineral Water.
12. The extraction of the Sulphur from the living Mercury by
Take thy mixed corporal and spiritual Compound, the Body of which
coagulated of the volatile by digestion, and separate the Mercury
from its Sulphur by a Glass Still, and thou shalt have a white Luna
fixed and resisting Aqua fortis, and more ponderous than common Silver.
13. The Magical Sol out of this Luna.
Out of this white Sulphur by Fire thou shalt have a yellow
by a manual Operation, which Sol is the red Lead of the
14. Out of this Sulphur, Aurum potabile.
Thou mayst turn this yellow Sulphur into an Oyl as red as
by circulating it with the Volatile-Mercurial-Philosophical Menstruum,
so thou shalt have an admirable Panacea, or Universal Medicine.
15. The gross conjunction of the menstruum with its Sulphur,
the formation of the Off-spring of the Fire.
Take of thy purged, best prepared and choicest Mercury, of
eight, or at most ten Eagles, mix it with the prepared Laton,
is red Sulphur, that is to say, two parts of the Water, or at
most three, with one of the pure Sulphur, ground and purged;
N.B. but it is better that thou takest two parts to one.
16. The working of the mixture by a manual Operation.
This thy mixture thou shalt grind very well upon a Marble, then
shalt wash it with Vinegar and Sal Armoniac, until it hath put
all its black Faeces; then thou shalt wash off all its saltness and
with clear Fountain-water, then shalt thou dry it upon clean white
by turning of it from place to place with the point of a Knife, even
an exquisite dryness.
17. The putting in of the Foetus into the Philosophical Egg.
Now thy mixture being dryed, put it into an Oval Glass, of the
and most transparent Glass, of the bigness of an Hens Egg; in such a
let not thy Matter exceed two ounces, seal it Hermetically.
18. The Government of the Fire.
Then you must have a Furnace built, in which you may keep an
Fire; in it you shall make an heat of Sand of the first degree, in
the dew of our Compound may be elevated and circulated continually day
and night, without any intermission, &c. And in such a Fire the
will die, and the Spirit will be renewed, and at length the Soul will
glorified and united with a new immortal and incorruptible Body: Thus
made a new Heaven.
I took one part of the Fiery Dragon, and of the Magnetical Body two parts, I prepared them together by a strong Fire, and in the first fusion there was made about eight ounces of the true Arsnick.