The Church as Pussy

Despite its antisex attitude and pretensions, Christianity incorporated many sexual images, including the ancient and ubiquitous lingam symbol, evident in the church steeple, and the yoni or womb, symbolized by the church nave. From the earliest times, in fact, temples and churches themselves served as wombs, into which the priest, with his phallus-shaped hat would enter, beseeching the Deity for fertility and fecundity. As Allegro says:

The temple was designed with a large measure of uniformity over the whole of the Near East now recognizable as a microcosm of the womb. It was divided into three parts: the Porch, representing the lower end of the vagina up to the hymen, or Veil; the Hall, or vagina itself; and the inner sanctum, or Holy of Holies, the uterus. The priest, dressed as a penis, anointed with various saps and resins as representing the divine semen, enters through the doors of the Porch, the "labia" of the womb, past the Veil or "hymen" and so into the Hall.

However, like Judaism, patriarchal Christianity was primarily a phallic cult. Walker describes the pervasiveness of the phallus in Christianity:

A hint of the broad extent of phallic Christianity in England appeared after World War II when Professor Geoffrey Webb, of the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments, investigated a bomb-damaged altar of an old church and found a large stone phallus within it. Further researches showed that the altars of approximately 90% of English churches built before 138 had hidden stone phalli.

The phallus was also called "perron" or "Big Peter" and represented, as we have seen, St. Peter, the "Rock" or stone lingam, of which the Christians were also anointers. As Walker says, "Christian phallus worship went on undiminished into the Middle Ages and beyond."

[Source: Acharya S., The Christ Conspiracy - The Greatest Story Ever Sold]

This throws new light on the ritual of communion, where one is made to ingest bread MADE OF WHITE (grain) SEED, and RED wine (menstrual blood ?), in order to be BORN AGAIN.